Navigating Halloween for Kids with Anxiety

Photo of three kids trick or treating in their costumes outside. Photo could represent the stress some of them may feel when it comes to social interactions with other kids. They might benefit from anxiety treatment in Illinois and Florida for kids and teens with anxiety.

Halloween with all its costumes, candy and scary activities, can be exciting and fun for many children. However, for kids with anxiety, this holiday can bring unique challenges that may increase feelings of worry and fear.

In this article, I’ll explore the effects of Halloween on children with anxiety and discuss practical strategies for ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.

Anxiety Over Selecting a Costume

One concern for kids with anxiety during Halloween is the pressure to choose a great costume. Some kids may feel overwhelmed by the decision-making process, worrying about what other kids will think.

Here are some suggestions to help you handle the process:

Involve your child in the decision-making process

Talk to your child about their interests and ask them what type of costume they would like to wear. Listen attentively and validate their ideas. By involving them, they will feel a sense of control over the decision, which can alleviate anxiety.

Provide a range of options

Instead of overwhelming your child with a lot of choices, narrow down the options to a few that align with their interests. This can make the decision-making process less daunting for them.

Research together

Look for costume ideas online with your child. Discuss different options, taking into consideration their preferences, comfort level, and any potential triggers or anxieties they may have. Encourage them to voice their thoughts and anxieties so that you can take them into account during the selection process.

Consider their sensory sensitivities

Many children with anxiety may have certain sensory sensitivities. Take into account the materials, textures, and fit of the costumes. Opt for softer materials, avoid tight fits, and consider whether masks or face paint might cause discomfort. Comfort is key in reducing anxiety.

Practice wearing the costume beforehand

If your child is particularly anxious about wearing a specific costume, consider having them wear it around the house for short periods of time leading up to Halloween. This will give them a chance to get used to it and become more comfortable with the idea.

Encourage creativity

If your child is hesitant about wearing a traditional Halloween costume, suggest alternatives such as creating their own costume using their favorite clothes and accessories. This can help them feel more in control and comfortable with their choice.

Dealing with Fear of the Unknown for Kids with Anxiety 

Halloween’s spooky decorations, horror-themed media, and unfamiliar settings can intensify anxiety in children. The fear of the unknown, encountering frightening costumes or haunted houses, can provoke heightened anxiety levels.

Gradual exposure to such stimuli may be helpful starting with age-appropriate books, movies, or attending community-based Halloween events, where children can gradually become familiar with the holiday’s elements.

Here are some additional ways to help them handle their fear and enjoy Halloween:

Communication is key

Talk to your child about their fears and concerns related to Halloween. Listen to them and validate their feelings. Assure them that it’s okay to feel scared, but also emphasize that Halloween is meant to be fun.

Understand their boundaries

Take their fears into consideration and respect their boundaries. If they do not want to participate in certain activities, such as haunted houses or scary costumes, do not force them. Allow them to opt-out or choose alternatives that make them feel more comfortable.

Exposure therapy

Gradually expose your child to Halloween-related activities or decorations that make them anxious. Start with small, less intimidating steps, such as looking at pictures or videos of Halloween decorations, before moving on to bigger challenges.

Familiarize with Halloween traditions

Help your child better understand Halloween by explaining its history and traditions. Knowing more about the holiday may demystify certain aspects and alleviate fears. Reading books or watching movies that explain Halloween might be helpful.

Create a safe space

Establish a designated safe space or room where your child can retreat to if they feel overwhelmed or anxious during Halloween events. Make sure it’s a calm and quiet area where they can relax and take a break from the festivities.

Practice relaxation techniques

Teach your child various relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or mindfulness techniques. Encourage them to use these techniques when they start feeling anxious. Practice these techniques together before Halloween so they can use them when needed.

Plan and prepare together

Involve your child in the planning process for Halloween. Let them have input in choosing their costume, decorations, or activities they feel comfortable with. This will give them a sense of control and reduce anxiety.

Seek support from trusted adults

Inform teachers, caregivers, or other supervising adults about your child’s anxiety and specific triggers they may have related to Halloween. Ensure they are informed and supportive and can provide reassurance and guidance during events.

It’s important to tailor these strategies to your child’s specific needs and comfort levels. Be patient and supportive throughout the process, and always prioritize their well-being over the pressure to participate in every aspect of Halloween.

Social Pressure and Peer Comparison  

Halloween often involves social gatherings, trick-or-treating with friends, or attending school parties. These social interactions can heighten anxiety levels in children who may feel self-conscious or fear being judged by their peers.

Parents can play a crucial role by fostering open communication, validating their child’s feelings, and helping them set realistic expectations about the event. Encouraging children to focus on the enjoyment of the activities rather than worrying about what others may think can help alleviate some of the pressure.

Here are some strategies to help them handle these challenges:

Normalize their feelings

Let your child know that it’s common to feel anxious or overwhelmed during Halloween due to social expectations. Normalize their emotions to help them understand that their feelings are valid and that they’re not alone in experiencing them.

Create a safe and supportive environment

Ensure that your child feels supported and comfortable. Let them know that they have the right to make choices that align with their comfort levels, whether it’s participating in activities or choosing a costume. Provide reassurance that their decisions will be respected.

Set realistic expectations

Discuss with your child what to expect on Halloween, such as parties, trick-or-treating, or social gatherings. Help them understand that everyone has different preferences and that it’s okay not to participate in every event.

Focus on individuality and creativity

Emphasize the importance of individuality and creativity rather than comparing themselves to others. Encourage your child to embrace their unique ideas and create a costume or participate in activities that align with their interests and comfort levels.

Encourage self-care practices

Help your child develop self-care practices that work for them. This might include taking breaks from social situations, practicing deep breathing, or engaging in calming activities like drawing or listening to music.

Teach coping strategies

Teach your child coping strategies such as positive self-talk, mindfulness exercises, or visualization techniques. These strategies can help them manage their anxiety and stay grounded during Halloween events.

Practice assertiveness skills

Teach your child assertiveness skills to help them navigate potential social pressures during Halloween. Encourage them to express their opinions, set boundaries, and say “no” if they are uncomfortable with certain activities or situations.

Seek professional support if needed

If your child’s anxiety is interfering significantly with their ability to enjoy Halloween or if it persists beyond the holiday season, consider seeking professional support from a therapist or counselor specializing in anxiety.

Remember, the most important thing is to prioritize your child’s mental well-being and comfort. Encourage them to participate in Halloween in ways that feel manageable and enjoyable to them, rather than succumbing to social pressure or peer comparisons.

Sensory Overload for Kids with Anxiety

Halloween is notorious for providing sensory overload, with loud sounds, unfamiliar smells, and crowded spaces. For kids with anxiety, these sensory experiences can be overwhelming and trigger heightened stress levels.

To lessen the impact, you can prepare your child by explaining what to expect, providing noise-canceling headphones or their favorite calming tools. You can also establish a quiet space or designated break times during Halloween events to offer moments of self care.

Here are some strategies to help handle sensory overload at Halloween:


Talk to your child about Halloween in advance, providing them with information about what to expect. Show them pictures or videos of Halloween decorations, costumes, and activities to help them visualize the experience.

Create a schedule

Establish a specific schedule for Halloween activities, such as trick-or-treating or attending parties, and share it with your child. Having a sense of structure and routine can help reduce anxiety.

Choose appropriate activities

Opt for more low-key Halloween activities that align with your child’s comfort level. This could involve staying home and handing out candy, having a small gathering with close friends or attending a less crowded event.

Sensory-friendly costumes

Consider choosing costumes that are comfortable and do not cause sensory discomfort. Use soft fabrics, avoid masks or face paint if they are unsettling, and let your child be involved in selecting their costume to ensure their comfort.

Prepare a safe space

If your child becomes overwhelmed during Halloween, designate a safe space where they can retreat to take a break. This space could be at home or at a quiet area of a Halloween event. Fill the space with their favorite calming activities or items, such as books, puzzles, or stuffed animals.

Use noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs

Loud noises and sudden sounds can be distressing for children with anxiety. Consider equipping your child with noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs to help reduce sensory overload during Halloween activities.

Take breaks

Encourage your child to take breaks when needed, even during activities they enjoy. Find a quiet area or take a short walk away from the crowd to provide a chance for your child to regroup and recharge.

Communicate with others

Inform close friends, family members, or teachers about your child’s anxiety and sensory sensitivities ahead of Halloween. This way, they can be understanding and provide support if needed.

Monitor and validate emotions

Pay close attention to your child’s emotions during Halloween activities. Let them know it’s okay to feel overwhelmed and validate their feelings. Reassure them that you’re there to support them and that you understand their anxiety.

Alternative Halloween Activities for Kids with Anxiety

For some children with severe anxiety, traditional Halloween activities like trick-or-treating might not be entirely suitable. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t participate in the holiday’s spirit.

Encouraging alternative activities like pumpkin carving, decorating the house, or hosting a small gathering with close friends or family can provide a sense of inclusion while still ensuring your child’s comfort. Here are some additional ideas:

Pumpkin painting or decorating

Instead of carving pumpkins, let your child paint or decorate pumpkins using markers, stickers, or other crafting supplies.

Halloween movie night 

Have a cozy movie night at home with Halloween-themed movies that are not scary. You can also include Halloween snacks and treats.

Costume dress-up and photo shoot

Allow your child to dress up in their favorite costume and set up a mini photoshoot at home. Encourage them to express themselves through creativity and imagination.

Halloween-themed crafts

Engage your child in Halloween crafts such as making paper ghosts, bats, or friendly monsters. This can help keep their hands busy and provide a sense of accomplishment.

Trick-or-treating at known places

Instead of going door-to-door, plan a trick-or-treating route at places your child is familiar with, such as family and friends’ homes.

Halloween scavenger hunt

Create a scavenger hunt indoors or outdoors with Halloween-themed clues and hidden treats. This can add an element of fun and excitement without the anxiety of going outside.

Halloween baking

Bake Halloween-themed cookies, cupcakes, or other treats at home with your child. It can be a fun bonding activity and your child can enjoy the treats afterward without the pressure of traditional trick-or-treating.

Pumpkin patch visit during less crowded hours

If your child enjoys being outdoors, consider visiting a pumpkin patch during less crowded hours when there will be fewer people around. This can allow them to experience the Halloween spirit while feeling more comfortable.

Virtual Halloween party

Organize a virtual Halloween party with your child’s friends or family members. Have them dress up in costumes, play games, and enjoy virtual activities together through video chat.

Halloween story time

Have a cozy Halloween-themed story time at home with your child. Read books or tell stories about friendly witches, magical creatures, or not-so-scary ghosts. This can help create a festive atmosphere without the anxiety-inducing elements.

As Halloween approaches, it’s important to acknowledge the impact this holiday can have on your child with anxiety. By understanding their unique concerns and providing appropriate support, you can help ensure that Halloween remains an enjoyable experience for them.

Begin Online Therapy for Kids and Teens with Anxiety in Illinois and now Florida.

If your child or teen is struggling with anxiety, including panic attacks, there is hope! Anxiety is highlyPhoto of African American mom and her daughter sitting on a grey couch with mom's arm wrapped around daughter with an iPad in their hands. Photo could represent a child with anxiety having an online therapy session with her Christian counselor for kids in Illinois. treatable and online anxiety treatment at Briefly Counseling can help.

Using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, I help kids and teens reduce their anxiety and build resilience so they can become a happier, more confident version of themselves.

And kids love being able to receive counseling from the comfort and privacy of their own home. Studies have consistently proven that online therapy delivers equal results to in-office counseling.

As an experienced and caring therapist, I love providing counseling for anxiety. To start your child’s counseling journey, call me at 224-236-2296 or email to schedule a FREE 20-minute consultation.

Helena Madsen, MA, LCPC is the founder of Briefly Counseling. I specialize in providing online short-term anxiety treatment for kids and teens ages 7 – 18 as well as Christian counseling.

Whether you’re on the North Shore, in Naperville, Chicago, Champaign, Barrington, Libertyville, Glenview, or downstate Illinois, I can help.

And effective 2024, I am now licensed in Florida! For parents in Jacksonville, Pensacola, Destin, Crestview, Coral Gables, Weston, Parkland, Naples, Marco Island, and Pinecrest, I have immediate openings.

Schedule your appointment or consultation today. I look forward to working with your child to quickly and effectively help them in activating their strengths, resources, and resilience, in order to live with confidence and hope.